
Compounding allows your physicians and pharmacists to meet the specific needs of patients. It offers options to those patients who may have difficulty taking or responding to commercially available medications. Some people are allergic or sensitive to preservatives and dyes, or are non-compliant to standard drug therapy. Others may have a hard time swallowing a pill, or react adversely to a medicine’s taste. Compounding allows physicians to customize therapy for each patient. At Modern Medicine Rx, compounding pharmacists will work closely with you and your physician to prepare medication in a dosage form that meets your needs.

Therapies we offer:

  • Pain Management
  • Podiatry
  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Sports Medicine
  • Dermatology
  • Wound Care
  • Veterinary
  • Pediatric Medications
  • Palliative Care
  • Weight Management
  • Adrenal/Thyroid
  • Dental
  • Unavailable Medications

Our compounding products include:

Dosage forms:

  • Creams
  • Capsules
  • Tablets
  • Gels
  • Suppositories
  • Animal treats
  • Troches
  • Drops
  • Lollipops
  • Suspensions
  • And more!

With proper pain management, acute and chronic pain can be managed and compounding can play a role in helping you manage your patients pain. Pain can be complicated and compounding pharmacy offers an alternative to help address your patients specific pain issues.

Topical Preparations

Creams and gels can be formulated to provide high local concentrations of medications at the site of application (i.e. NSAIDs for joint pain, morphine mouthwash for radiation mucositis) and for trigger point application (i.e. combinations of medications for neuropathic pain). Research indicates that topical analgesics create an efficacious option for adjuvant drug therapy with minimal risk of significant systemic absorption and drug-drug interactions. For example, topical administration of NSAIDs offers the advantage of local, enhanced drug delivery to affected tissues with a reduced incidence of systemic adverse effects, such as peptic ulcer disease and GI hemorrhage, seen with oral formulations.

What are Hormones?

Hormones are regulatory substances produced by the body to stimulate a specific effect. An example is insulin, which functions to open the cells for receipt of glucose. Ultimately, hormones determine how the cells and organs work.

What is Hormones Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

Compounding pharmacists at Modern Medicine Rx can create customized HRT that closely mimics individual patients’ optimum natural hormone levels. With natural, customized HRT, patients can mitigate the symptoms associated with menopause and other hormonal imbalances, while minimizing side effects and risks associated with synthetic hormones. With bio-identical hormones, doses can be easily adjusted and fine-tuned to control symptoms and provide long-term health benefits.

Hormones perform a vast array of complex functions in the body. When hormone levels are deficient or imbalanced, people can suffer unpleasant symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has many benefits for women (and men) suffering from hormone imbalances and deficiencies.

For example, HRT can help:

  • Relieve dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
  • Relieve pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Control mood swings
  • Treat infertility
  • Relieve fibrocystic breasts
  • Control weight gain/water retention
  • Relieve hot flashes and night sweats
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Improve concentration and memory
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Restore vaginal lubrication
  • Aid in bladder control
  • Increase energy and vitality
  • Decrease incidence of urinary tract and vaginal infections
  • Guard against heart disease
  • Decrease bone loss (osteoporosis)
  • Raise good cholesterol (HDL)
  • Improve blood flow

Western medicine has tended to treat hormone imbalances and deficiencies with doses of synthetic hormones. Although they are similar to the hormones that occur naturally in our bodies, synthetic hormones are chemically and structurally different than human hormones. For these reasons, synthetic hormones can cause undesirable side effects (such as fluid retention, nausea, breast tenderness, blood clots, headaches, leg cramps, irritability, and depression). The body may also take longer to eliminate them.

Bio-identical hormones, on the other hand, are chemically identical to the hormones produced by the body. For this reason, they produce few unwanted side effects when taken in appropriate quantities and ratios. They are also easily eliminated from the body.

HRT for Men

Modern Medicine Rx provides compounded products for Hormone Replacement Therapy for men. Men of all ages may experience decreased testosterone production, which may in turn lead to several other health concerns. Some of these problems may include;

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Mood disorders
  • Decreased sex drive
  • hair loss
  • Excessive sweating
  • Bad breath etc…

Modern Medicine Rx can work with your physician to provide hormone therapy in the dosage form and exact strength you require. This could ultimately help you maintain your health and vitality.

HRT for Women

Hormone compounding could help women manage the occurrence of various post-menopausal symptoms, including

  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Irritability and Anxiety
  • Pain during intercourse
  • etc…

Our compounding pharmacist will work with your health care provider to evaluate your symptoms and determine a specific course of treatment for you. Ask your health care provider about Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy (BHRT).

Our compounding pharmacists can customize individual treatments for a wide range of dermatological issues. We can prepare cosmetically appealing creams, topical sprays and powders, and a variety of oral delivery forms. We utilize specialized equipment that allows us to compound unique and high quality formulations. Below are few of the products that Modern Medicine Rx Pharmacy specializes in:

  • Skin and Wound Care
  • Scar Treatment and Scar Gel Rx
  • Vitiligo
  • Melasma
  • Psoriasis
  • Warts
  • Cosmeceuticals
  • Topical Anesthetics
  • Chemical Peels
  • Barrier Creams

Scar Therapy and Treatment

As a Compounding Pharmacy, Modern Medicine can work with the physician and patient to formulate a Transdermal or Topical Medication to assist in achieving the therapeutic goals of the patient. Using a popular scar therapy base, developed by PCCA, known as PracaSil™ Plus.

PracaSil™ Plus is a combination of various ingredients may be combined and may help in the treatment of scars. The beneficial effects of PCCA’s base, Praca-Sil™-Plus have been published for the first time in the December 2014 issue of Dermatology and Therapy. The article, titled “Case Series: The Effectiveness of Fatty Acids for Pracaxi Oil in a Topical Silicone Base for Scar Therapy and Wound Therapy,” details the results of several cases where patients used PracaSil-Plus and experienced tremendous improvements in their scars. Improvements were seen at the end of the study period.


Through innovative compounding knowledge, we can customize a wide variety of anti-aging and skin care products using safe and natural ingredients. We stay on top of cutting edge dermatology and skin care by creating unique, customizable products. Our compounding pharmacist can work with your dermatologist to customize the right treatment for your unique skin type. The result? Healthy, protected, rejuvenated, younger looking skin. We offer a variety of moisturizers, anti-aging formulas, masks, peels, and creams for acne, rosacea, psoriasis and other skin conditions.

Modern Medicine Rx has your compounding needs covered from head to toe. Podiatrists and other health care providers encounter numerous problems that may be helped with compounded medications. By working closely with one of our compounding pharmacists, a podiatrist can prescribe medications for the following foot and nail problems:

  • Anti-Fungal Therapy
  • Arthritis/Inflammation
  • Athlete’s Foot
  • Diabetic Neuropathy/Plantar Fasciitis
  • Molluscum Contagiosum
  • Nail Infection/Removal
  • Plantar Warts/Warts
  • Wound Care

Much like a personalized training regimen a personalized medication can allow athletes to reach their fitness goals. We work together with athletes of all types and their health care providers to customize medications to meet specific needs. Our compounding specialists can help solve medication problems using individualized preparations that contain the most appropriate ingredients, in the best vehicle, to most efficiently provide the proper drug to the affected area.

Below is a brief list of agents and conditions we routinely compound medications for.

  • Nerve Pain Therapies
  • Topical Anti-inflammatory Agents
  • Topical Antifungal Medications
  • Preparations to heal blisters or calluses

Make dental visits a bit more pleasant by having Modern Medicine Rx work closely with your dentist to personalize your medications for strength, dosage form, and even flavor. Therapeutic options available to dentists may be limited. Compounding enhances the acceptability and application of medications through its ability to customize dosage forms. By working closely with our compounding pharmacists, a dental practitioner can prescribe medications for the following dental problems:

  • Infections
  • Dry mouth
  • Mouth Ulcers
  • TMJ Disorders
  • Pain Syndromes
  • Neuralgias, i.e., shingles
  • Burning Mouth Syndrome
  • Infections
  • Dry Socket